My Child is Sick… Now What?
Kids get sick. That’s just a fact of life. So what can we do as parents to support and nurture our children’s bodies as they work hard to heal? Here’s a list of some do’s and don’ts for when sickness strikes.
- Remove all processed sugar from diet
- Why: Sugar feeds pathogens, so by removing sugar you lessen the ability for the sickness to proliferate.
- Remove all dairy from diet
- Why: Dairy creates dampness, or mucus, in the body. Removing dairy will reduce congestion and inflammation…
2 Common Food Questions...Answered!!
I get so many questions about food. The level of confusion, frustration, and guilt that exists around the subject of food can be really overwhelming, and it’s part of my mission to clear things up. Here are two of the most common questions I get...answered!
❓What age should my child start eating solids?
The digestive system of a young child is very sensitive, and is the foundation of health. Around 6 months, a child can begin playing with and exploring new tastes, textures, and flavors when it …
How Your Child's Emotions are Linked to Digestion
Western medicine is beginning to realize what Chinese medicine has known for thousands of years....that unprocessed emotions and stress are reflected in the physical body. Chronic disease in adults can often be traced back to roots in unprocessed trauma, grief, fear, and stress.
When it comes to children, it’s possible to catch these patterns early. Children will often act out or become inconsolable when they are in digestive distress. We know this is true of colicky infants. We also know this …
5 Reasons Why Digestion is the KEY to Pediatric Health
There are many truths that act as the foundation of Pediatric Chinese Medicine. This sentence is perhaps one of the most important.
In Chinese medicine, the Spleen is thought to govern the entire digestive process as well as absorption of nutrients. As this quote suggests, children have inherently weak Spleens for many reasons.
👉🏻 Before being born, a baby’s digestive system does not need to perform its function because baby gets all the nourishment it needs from the mother (through the umbilica…
How to ALIGN with the Life YOU Desire for Your Family
I had a thought today. (Fair warning, this gets a little woo woo toward the get ready 💫)
I often hear parents say things like:
🥦My child will NOT eat vegetables.
☕️I could never get my daughter to drink tea.
🧘🏻♀️Sitting still for any length of time just isn’t possible for my son.
All of these are beliefs that we as parents have, on some level, accepted as truth.
My thought today was this: What if we could DECIDE to make something else true?
In asking this question, I already know the answer …
What Does an Acupuncturist Do When Her Daughter Gets Sick?
Once my daughter Raven got sick for the first time (at almost 14 months old). She had what we call in Chinese Medicine a "wind cold"....runny nose with clear discharge, congestion, fatigue, and a low fever. Here's what I did to help her kick it as quickly as possible.
1) Reframe: the first thing I did was take a moment to frame this sickness as an opportunity for her immune system to learn and be strengthened. Often parents get down on themselves thinking they did something "wrong", or spend thei…
Acupuncture for Mastitis
Did you know acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be used to clear up mastitis?! It's true! If you or someone you know is struggling with mastitis, reach out to your local acupuncturist for help! Here are some things to try at home:
- First, and most importantly, remember that mastitis is the body's way of telling a Mom that she is overdoing it. REST is the absolute key. Call on family and friends to assist you with household tasks/other kids so you can sleep while baby sleeps and spend time in a …
How Does Acupuncture Work?
There are lots of ways to answer this question...
1) It's magic.
2) Everything is energy. Yes? Yes. Acupuncturists are like conductors of the energy flowing in your body. They use tools (needles, cups, essential oils, microcurrent, bodywork, etc) to balance said energy (which relieves symptoms caused by a state of imbalance). Symptoms of imbalance = literally any physical, emotional, and/or mental health issue that exists.
3) Acupuncture helps the body return to homeostasis, which is where our bo…
What to Expect After Your First Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is a completely individualized method of treatment, so what you experience post-treatment can vary. There are several common responses that I see in the clinic regularly.
Gradual improvement
This is the most common response to treatment. The effects of acupuncture are cumulative, so each treatment builds on the ones before it. Subtle improvement typically begins after the first treatment, but in some situations (typically with more chronic health issues) it can take a few treatme…
Hydrating Electrolyte Drinks for Kids
When kids are sick, one of the biggest concerns is hydration. Often they don't feel like drinking or maybe are struggling to keep things down. This is when dehydration can become an issue. Here are some electrolyte-balancing drinks to try:
1) Coconut water.
Not much of a recipe, is it?! Coconut water is full of minerals and natural sugars to maintain electrolyte balance and proper hydration. In addition to use when sick, this can also be a great day-to day drink for the summer months.
2) Aviva Ro…