Pregnancy, Sciatica, and Acupuncture
Severe sciatica can be devastatingly painful. In the middle of my 31st week of pregnancy, baby decided to snuggle herself right up onto my sciatic nerve! After spending Thanksgiving limping, and even crawling at times due to intense pain, I decided I should practice what I preach, and initiate some self care. I asked for help from my friend and fellow acupuncturist, and was just amazed at the results!!
We began treatment with the intention of encouraging the baby to reposition herself so she …
Put an End to Your Sweet Cravings FOR GOOD!!!
Coming into the season of Christmas cookies and baked goods EVERYWHERE.....I am SO excited to have discovered a fabulous blend of herbs called Sweet Change. I heard several rave reviews about it before I was finally moved to try it out myself, and boy was I glad I did!!! Sweet Change was created to help eliminate cravings, support blood sugar levels, detoxify the liver, combat stress eating, and calm the mind!!! Doesn't that just sound like a holiday life-saver!!!! Not only will this be a grea…
Why Choose Organic?
When it comes to food, I always advocate for organic whenever possible for several reasons. First, of course, is for your health and protection from chemicals. Pesticides are neurotoxic (toxic to the brain), carcinogenic (cancer-causing), hormone disrupting, and they destroy the microbiome of the gut. They were initially developed as nerve gas during WWII, which speaks volumes to their toxicity and danger. Exposure to high pesticide levels during pregnancy has been associated with lower IQ, in…
The Truth About Commercial Baby Formula…..and How to Make it Yourself!
Before I share any info here, I want to start with a disclaimer: This is NOT meant to shame or place guilt on mothers who cannot nurse. This is simply meant to clear up confusion and provide answers for moms everywhere. I truly believe that every mother does the absolute best that she can for her child(ren) with the resources and knowledge she has, and I honor that to the highest level. I know how emotionally, physically, and mentally upsetting it can feel to not be able to breastfeed a child,…
Teething Survival Tip: Chamomile Ice Pops!
Teething....that scary T-word is spoken of among parents with dread and fear. It can be a time of frustration, pain, and sleepless nights. I am super stoked to tell you, it doesn't have to be that way!!! I have an arsenal of tips and tools for teething survival. One of my favorites that can easily be done at home is Chamomile Teething Ice Pops. These little treats are healing and fun for kids, and they provide a cooling sensory experience!!!
Chamomile Teething Ice Pops
*Makes 2 trays of pops/cub…
My Secret Weapon for Teething...
As a first time mom, I remember hearing lots of horror stories about teething. No sleep, endless crying, and not much can be done to help. Being an advocate for natural medicine, I certainly wasn't going to reach for Orajel or another over the counter product, but I also wasn't willing to accept misery as my only other option. I began researching, and came across Tender Teeth, a Chinese herbal formula for teething. OH MY GOD AM I GLAD I DID SOME RESEARCH!!! This stuff is a literal lifesaver. T…
What You Need to Know About Qi
One of the basic foundational theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that vital energy, called qi (pronounced chee), flows through the body. This qi is what fuels the body functions that are necessary to maintain life and health. It also helps carry blood and nourishment to the various organs in the body. In a perfect world, our qi flows uninhibited within us. Unfortunately, there are lots of things that can cause qi flow to become hindered or blocked. In TCM, we call this stagnatio…
9 Simple and Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids
Every parent has found themselves feeling like a short order cook at some point in time.
Children, though small, tend to have voracious appetites!!! It can be a struggle to keep up with their demand for food, especially when you are focused on providing healthy choices.
Some days, we are able to stay ahead of their hunger with lots of fresh, whole-food meals and snacks. Other days, it just doesn’t happen.
Here’s a list of healthy, tasty, AND convenient kid-friendly snack options for paren…
Helpful Tips for Picky Eaters
Hippocrates was right on the money when he said, “Let food be thy medicine”. However, as much as we as adults may know this is true, it can be challenging to turn this ideal into reality with our children. Food refusal is arguably more common now than ever before, and can make mealtimes stressful and emotionally charged for parents and kiddos alike. So instead of waging World War III with your 5 year old over a bite of broccoli at dinner, check out these tips:
Keep fruit and/or veggies pres…
How to Stay Healthy This Fall
A change of season is a time of great importance in Chinese Medicine. We are going from hot, external, expansive, yang energy to cool, internal, yin energy. In Autumn, the Lung and Large Intestine are the organs that are energetically affected. This can manifest as a weakened immune system, cough, colds, allergies, depression, or constipation. If you find yourself noticing these symptoms coming up as the season shifts, come on in for a tune-up treatment to help your body re-balance and adjust …