What to Expect After Your First Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is a completely individualized method of treatment, so what you experience post-treatment can vary. There are several common responses that I see in the clinic regularly.
Gradual improvement
This is the most common response to treatment. The effects of acupuncture are cumulative, so each treatment builds on the ones before it. Subtle improvement typically begins after the first treatment, but in some situations (typically with more chronic health issues) it can take a few treatme…
Hydrating Electrolyte Drinks for Kids
When kids are sick, one of the biggest concerns is hydration. Often they don't feel like drinking or maybe are struggling to keep things down. This is when dehydration can become an issue. Here are some electrolyte-balancing drinks to try:
1) Coconut water.
Not much of a recipe, is it?! Coconut water is full of minerals and natural sugars to maintain electrolyte balance and proper hydration. In addition to use when sick, this can also be a great day-to day drink for the summer months.
2) Aviva Ro…
Herbal Popsicles for Fever
You won't often hear me recommend cold or frozen items, but fever is an exception. When a child is fevering, you want to be replenishing electrolytes and supplying them with liquids that contain healing elements. Sometimes, a popsicle is just more appealing than a drink. Here's a recipe created by Aviva Romm, an MD, midwife, and herbalist for herbal popsicles.
Lemon Balm Pineapple Herbal Popsicle
2 cups strong lemon balm tea (one handful herbs to 2 1/2 cups water, steeped for 10 minutes)
1 cup or…
Phototherapy Patches 101
Curious about these phototherapy patches I keep talking about? Here's the scoop.
The patches are made by a company called Lifewave. Lifewave patches are wearable technology that use LIGHT to induce biochemical and physiological changes in the body without relying on molecular inputs like pills, drugs, creams, oils, injections, food, diets or lifestyle changes!
Lifewave marries Western phototherapy technology with Ancient Chinese medicine. You can biohack almost any symptom using different combin…
3 Things to Avoid When Your Child is Sick
I talk a lot with the parents of my patients about breaking the cycle of chronic paediatric illness. I see lots of chronic upper respiratory infections, ear infections, coughs and colds. Here are 3 things I tell parents to avoid doing when their children are sick in order to prevent continued illness.
1) Going into panic mode. This is super common with parents of children who have a history of chronic illness. In my experience, it comes from the parent feeling like they don't know how to help t…
Dampness & COVID-19
Dampness is the word Chinese medicine uses for mucus/phlegm, & can also be loosely translated to include inflammation & histamine reaction, depending on the context.
Dampness is heavy, sticky, difficult to expectorate. It can settle in various places in the body, but will often manifest as upper respiratory issues.
We know that COVID-19 is a pathogen that causes severe dampness & fluid accumulation that can invade the lungs and obstruct breathing. It is important to remember that we are not powe…
Affirmations to Neutralize Fear
Our words, thoughts, & beliefs are incredibly powerful. They allow us to remain in control of our state of being.
In this turbulent time, affirmations can be helpful to ground into the reality that you desire, rather than the one being played out in the world.
👏 I am safe
👏 I trust my body
👏 My body is smart
👏 My body is strong
👏 My body is healthy
👏 My body is designed to keep me healthy
👏 I am in control of my thoughts and emotions
👏 I am riding this wave with peace and ease
👏 When I get sick, my bo…