How to Order Phototherapy Patches

Lifewave Patch Ordering Info


​Lifewave patches come in sleeves of 30 and will last you 30-60 days with consistent use. All patch sleeves are retail priced at $79.95 except X39, which retails for $149.95. The BEST and most COST-EFFECTIVE way to order patches is with a wholesale account. This allows you to get WAY lower prices on your patches. Here's how it works: 


Wholesale Ordering Options


You can choose from the following options:

Enrollment Starter: one time $25 fee to get access to wholesale pricing, and then buy the sleeves of patches you want.

Bronze Kit: $124.95 one time fee, includes access to wholesale pricing, two sleeves of patches (you get to choose which ones)

Silver Kit: $299.95 one time fee, includes access to wholesale pricing, six sleeves of patches at lowest price (normally $419.94)

Gold Kit: $499.95 one time fee, includes access to wholesale pricing, eleven sleeves of patches at
lowest price

From there you will put in your payment and shipping information and it's pretty straightforward. (Don't worry about the question about binary placement for new members, you can just keep whatever it automatically selects. That applies to the business building side of Lifewave).

*Your cart will be pre-filled with X39 patches, but you can add or subtract those and all other patch types until you get exactly what you want. If you need assistance with this process, you can set up a support call via phone by clicking HERE (choose Remote Session, then Lifewave Info Call).


Order Patches


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