Connected Healing

How to Understand & Align With Your Menstrual Cycle

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How to Understand & Align With Your Menstrual Cycle

*Masterclass and PDF Guidebook included in purchase*

This may come as a shock to you but discomfort and pain during your period is common but it is NOT NORMAL. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine your period is a vital sign and pain, discomfort, emotional disturbances are a clue about what is out of balance. Period problems are often explained away as “just part of being a woman” (🙄), and doctors are very quick to prescribe hormonal birth control to mask the symptoms. If there was a way to actually get to the root of your period problems and HEAL them, wouldn’t you rather go that route? That’s exactly what you’ll learn about in this masterclass.

Interested in understanding your cycles? Want to stop dreading your period? Want acupressure for period relief? Looking for no-BS strategies to balance hormones?

This masterclass and guidebook will cover:

-Information about each of the menstrual cycle phases and their TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) significance

-Lifestyle factors that affect your period

-Mistakes you don’t even know you’re making that are messing with your hormones

-Natural hormone balancing strategies you can implement right away

-TCM root cause info about PMS, PCOS, and endometriosis

-How to use acupressure for period symptom relief

Total due $18

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